

IT Administrator | Aspen Ridge Dental

“So much time is saved! The doctors can bring (the forms) up on the monitor. Even better, we have the doctors sign off on the medical billing histories. ”

“It’s really nice to have the iPad in front of them, so they can make eye contact with patients and go over the medical history. When they’re done, they can sign off and it goes automatically into the document manager. Especially with the (online) medical history, it’s very important with our older clients, medications change and that’s been one of the best features for sure.”

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  • Integrates with Dentrix
  • How many forms does your office provide? 20

What was your situation prior to using mConsent?

  • “With our (paper) consent forms we’d get into a rush. If we run out of forms, we’d go to the xerox machine, run them off, of course they’re crooked, maybe overexposed, with black lines running through them. It was not professional whatsoever, it looked horrible in the charts.”
  • “As far as updating patient records, that was a mess too because we had old phone numbers and there’d be communication breakdown between the back and the front where we’d need to update the records, but the front gets busy and it never gets done, so this has been really nice because either the assistant or our hygienists can now just go to the portal and update the patient records.”
  • “If patients have a list of medications or medical issues they’ll usually write it on the back (of paper forms) and that can be overlooked in the scanning process.”
  • “We have to get our patients back on time, and we’re still filling in paperwork 10-15 minutes into the appointment! That’s not good.”

How has mConsent impacted the overall process at your practice?

  • “So much time is saved!”“We found mConsent and it’s been great! So much cleaner!”
  • “It’s nice how it automatically goes into Dentrix, the document manager.”
  • “The doctors can bring it up on the monitor. Even better, we have the doctors sign off on the medical billing histories. It’s really nice to have the iPad in front of them, so they can make eye contact with patients and go over the medical history. When they’re done, they can sign off and it goes automatically into the document manager.”
  • “Especially with the medical history, it’s very important with our older clients, medications change and that’s been one of the best features for sure.”
  • “If they have medications or allergies it’s brought up (as an alert) in red.”

How would you rate mConsent’s Support team and Availability?

  • “My favorite feature is the chat now. I love the chat now feature because I can get in and out with my questions.”
  • “10/10 rating for sure.”
  • “It’s really nice and convenient. I don’t think I’ve ever had to wait more than a few minutes.”
  • “I’ve utilized the email support too and that was great.”

What would you say to other practices considering mConsent?

  • “I would say it’s completely worth the time and the subscription!”
  • “I’ve noticed besides being able to customize forms, there’s already some example forms and that’s great.”
  • “It was so nice that I can copy, almost verbatim, how our forms used to look on paper.”
  • “Having the doctors be able to confirm and sign was great as well.”
  • “As a practice you always want patients to feel good about where they are. Here they go into surgery and they see overexposed consent forms, or poor xerox copies.”
  • “The iPad they sign includes our logo and name.”
  • “As far as time, it’s nice the consent forms are signed by the time the doctor arrives, so you don’t have to worry about (things like) hole punching.”
  • “The customization on the iPad is so much cleaner. Cleaner look. More professional.”
  • “You customize things exactly how we want it.”
  • “We tried to implement other digital consent forms too. We would go on the iPad through Dentrix (the Dentrix questionnaire) and fill out the information. It just seemed so long, no matter how much we tried to cut back it felt like it kept dragging on and on, and when we tried to bring it up on the screen the format was so far off. That’s why we stayed on the paper trail a little longer.”
  • “Televists would be really nice for one of our doctors, who wants to reach the whole state of Wyoming.”

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32 Million+ Digital Forms Completed




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