
Stefanie Daley

CDA, QOA | Boonsboro Family Dentistry & Orthodontics

“Before using mConsent we had to find and pull patients’ charts and input data, it takes a lot of time.”

“Sometimes papers get lost if they don’t get scanned in right away. mConsent is definitely an asset for our practice because it helps out with not having all that paperwork, not having to scan things. It goes right into the patient’s chart. We don’t have to worry about losing the form. If something does happen where we can’t get into the chart, there’s always a backup system where we can get into the chart.“

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  • How many forms does your office provide? 26

What was your situation prior to using mConsent?

  • Before using mConsent we had to find and pull patients’ charts and input data. It takes a lot of time. Sometimes papers get lost if they don’t get scanned in right away

What improvements to the Office have you noticed after starting mConsent?

  • A lot less paperwork, everything is on the tablet and it goes right into the patient’s chart on the computer.
  • Easier to read. Sometimes handwriting is not easy to decipher. Sometimes I can’t make out a number or letter. It has greatly improved not having to use all that paper.

Key Benefits Achieved from using mConsent

  • Definitely an asset to a practice. It helps out with not having all the paperwork or having to scan all the info into the patient’s chart or having to worry about losing the form.
  • Backup system is always ready to get info into patient’s chart

How would you rate your experience with mConsent’s Team?

  • Support team is very good- would respond within a short time with a call back if not right away.

What would you say to other practices considering mConsent?

  • It’s definitely an asset for our practice because it helps out with not having all that paperwork, not having to scan things. It goes right into the patient’s chart. We don’t have to worry about losing the form. If something does happen where we can’t get into the chart, there’s always a backup system where we can get into the chart.

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32 Million+ Digital Forms Completed




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